An overview of common metrics seen in BDSA's Basket Analytics dashboards
- Daily Baskets per Store
- The average number of transactions in a store on any given day.
- Basket Size
- The average total sale amount of a transaction.
- Items per Basket
- The average number of items in a transaction.
- May also be "category items per basket" to reflect the number of items belonging to that category in a basket
- Basket Penetration
- The % of transactions that the specified dimension can be found in.
- Ex: is there are 10 total baskets and 5 of them have a pre-roll in it, pre-roll basket penetration is 50%.
- Index
- An index represents the % above or below the metric you're comparing against.
- Ex: if your holiday basket size index is 105 compared to a non-holiday, then baskets sold during that holiday week are 5% larger than a non-holiday week. If your index is 95, then it’s 5% smaller. If your index is 100, it’s exactly the same as a non-holiday week.
- Basket contents classifications
- Single Item means that a single item was purchased.
- Multi-Item Single Category means that multiple items were bought in a single category.
- Multi-Item Multi-Category means that multiple items were bought across more than 1 category.
- Holiday Terms
- Holiday
- The actual holiday day.
- Days Leading Holiday
- The 6 days leading up to a holiday.
- The one exception is “Dab Day” which only has 5 days leading because it overlaps with Independence Day.
- Holidays included:
- New Years Eve
- New Years Day
- Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Valentines Day
- St. Patrick's Day
- "4/20"
- Mothers Day
- Memorial Day
- Fathers Day
- Independence Day
- Dab Day (7/10)
- Labor Day
- Halloween
- Veterans Day
- Green Wednesday
- Thanksgiving Day
- Black Friday
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- Holiday
- Focus Category/Brand/Product
- Your brand or the brand you want to see interactions with.
- Added Category/Brand/Product
- All other brands and/or categories.
- % of All Transactions
- the percent of all transactions, with or without the focus brand/category, where those two items or type of items were purchased together
- % of Focus Category/Brand/Product Transactions
- Percent of Focus Brand/Category Transactions is the percent of all focus category/brand/product transactions where the added item is in that basket.
- Ex: the focus category, flower, is bought 500 times. Of those 500 times, it's bought with a pre-roll 250 times, so the % of focus category for pre-roll is 50% because pre-rolls are in flower transactions 50% of the time that flower is purchased.
- Note that this does not work inversely! We cannot conclude that flower is in 50% of pre-roll transactions because it's a different base of transactions. Pre-rolls may be bought 300 times total, so those same 250 pre-roll/flower transactions will actually account for 83% of pre-roll transactions.
- Lift
A measure of the strength of the relationship between the focus and other item. Measures how many more times the focus and other item appear in the same order, compared to if there was no relationship between them.
Lift = 1; implies no relationship between the focus and other item (i.e., they occur together only by chance)
Lift > 1; implies that there is a positive relationship between the focus and other item (i.e., they occur together more often than random)
Lift < 1; implies that there is a negative relationship between the focus and other item (i.e., they occur together less often than random)
- Incremental basket / items
- Incrementality is a method used to track how many extra transactions were sold due to it being the week of a holiday. It is used by looking at the number of transactions happened on non-holiday weeks and seeing how many % more happened on holidays weeks.
- The logic transfers to incremental items. It is the % more items in a basket on average compared to non-holiday weeks.